Co-existence of Mankind

Ever wondered what we could achieve if and only if the the greater sense of existence and intelligence prevailed? Whilst, thinking over the marvels that humans have achieved in the past 100 years; I couldn’t help but to notice that we have achieved little to nothing. In all honesty, ancient Egyptians or take the fact that Babylonians, even Aztecs, Mayans and Inca tribes have outdid us in terms of being technologically advanced and having a superior knowledge about building structures to studying the skies.

I hope you have gotten the bigger picture here as to what I am about to tell you.

Ever wonder; why such tribes despite being nominal in numbers from a mere few thousands to hundred thousands achieved or out did us all humans? The answer to this question only comes after making an analysis of the world we live in today. The world we live in today particularly the human race is divided among the parameters of Race, Colour, Nationality, Religion, Language, Culture, etc. before meeting someone; we automatically generate some sort of bias against them. For instance if I say the word ‘Africa’ perhaps the things which most people would try to relate Africa with are perhaps Black people, backward societies, tribal people, under-developed lands, foreign language speakers, etc.

My question is, Why should there be any bias at all?

The answer to this question comes from the thought (which some may label as a conspiracy) that either some specific individuals do not wish the humanity to be united and achieve marvels while they advance their own goals or Humans as we know them are plainly stupid.

I’d like to go with the first thought, because I am not a believer in any sort of coincidences. Is it a coincidence that large empires have been broken down over the ages of time and separated into independent countries based on Nationality. In some cases people speaking the same language but with slightly different accents. Example Arabic is a language which is not only spoken in Gulf but also in Middle East and Northern African countries like Egypt.

I believe that humans have been divided on purpose so that a particular entity or a shadow organization could advance their independent goals, no! I am not talking about the infamous Illuminati nor am I pointing towards any other organization that is known to mankind. This organization I believe is relatively old and has been functioning secretly but to what extent have they achieved their goal is unknown. Speaking of goals what exactly is their goal? The answer to this is perhaps to reboot Earth and exterminate humanity, so that only the genius minds funded by the Ultra Elite Families could live their lives peacefully.

It is no secret that the way humans are progressing day by day we are inching closer to doom, how so? Well let me put this into perspective, Carbon Emissions as waste products from vehicles and industries damaged the Ozone layer, dumping of industrial waste into Oceans is killing of food sources and destroying Ecosystems. While one half is killing humanity with Industrial Revolutions and developing of factories the other half is killing humanity by wars funded by global super powers, the irony of this is that these wars are being fought by third parties; based on difference of Religion for instance Sunni-Shia Muslims killing of each other such as witnessed in Iraq-Iran War, Bhuddists torturing Muslims of Mayanmar particularly the Rohingya community based on ethnicity. Then there are wars which are fought on a psychological level example struggle of Black people in America is still real and Red Indians fighting wars based on Geographical Reach; their own protected lands are being seized from them. Then there are wars based on a Nationality, Cultural differences and Champions of Humanity example Indo-Pak Wars which revolve around Kashmir.

So the real Question is why go to such lengths and engineer wars and divide people? The answer to this question lies upon viewing the facts such as Earth is rapidly being destroyed and it needs a reboot, mother nature needs to take over but since it is highly populated the Ultra Elite Families cannot scan the best minds from the good and the bad from the worse. Hence their plan is perhaps to reduce the human gene-pool in order to ensure that the right minds are selected for Project Earth: Reboot.

In order to ensure Project Earth: Reboot is successful the best of the best need to be picked and this selection is being done by destroying most of humanity; so that only the capable few can help rebuild a massive brilliant society which united on several fronts by major goals of co-existence and is free from the desires of Nationality, Race, Colour, and Religion because they believe that Human Beings can achieve Marvels if focused goals are divided among groups with clarity of a bigger picture as to where we should move in terms direction.

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